Things You Must Know About Permits and Engineer Plans

Plans for Metal Buildings


Do I need a permit?

This all depends on your local township or city! Things that your township or city will look at to determine if you will require a permit include: dimensions of your building, what you will be placing your building on (concrete, asphalt, or ground) and where you will be placing your steel building on your property. Visit your local township or city’s website to find your building permit application for more details.

Who pulls the permits?

Midwest Steel Carport, Inc. will pull the building permit if needed. Regarding the zoning permit, this will be the responsibility of the property owner.

What information do I need for my building permit?

In general terms, most townships will request the following information from you:

  • Property Information (Address, Property Tax No#, Parcel #)
  • Type of Construction and Cost of Construction
  • Proposed Use of Building
  • Site Plan
  • Architect or Engineer Information (provided by Midwest Steel Carports)
  • Contractor Information (provided by Midwest Steel Carports)

After you place an order, Midwest Steel Carports will provide you with information on the engineer, contractor, and generic plans or custom plans (if required and purchased). Midwest Steel Carports, Inc is fully licensed and bonded in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Illinois.

Do permits expire?

Yes, building permits can expire!

This can occur if:

  1. Construction does not progress after building permit is approved (time periods apply)

Depending on local townships and cities, after the customer receives the building permit, they will have up to a certain time to begin construction. If construction is not started within the certain time period, the permit will expire.

        2. If metal building is not inspected after a completed installation

When your building is completed, most townships or cities ask for the customer to contact them and schedule an appointment for a building inspection. If this is not done, your permit can expire. This also can bring additional fees.

If you are in Michigan, you can visit the following link for more details,4671,7-180-24786-244467–,00.html  

Engineer Plans:

What are engineer plans?

Engineer plans are the specifications and drawings of your steel building. They show how our company constructs and secures your building. They provide information on the snow load and wind speed ratings for your building. 

The two types of engineer plans:

Generic engineer plans: These drawings cover standard dimensions between 12’-30’ wide and up to 12’ tall structures. Generic plans demonstrate a general placement of any garage door opening, service door and window included on a customer’s building.

Custom engineer plans: These plans are for more complex buildings. They are specifically designed to break down the components the building will require. Custom plans are typically required for construction on wide spans (over 30′ wide & higher than a 12′ leg), or when required by a building department. 

Where do I get them and how much are they?

You will receive the required engineer plans from Midwest Steel Carports, Inc. Midwest Steel Carports has a professional engineer that draws up the plans for our steel buildings. The cost of the generic plans is covered with the purchase of our standard buildings. Custom plans are at an additional cost. Pricing varies by the dimensions and accessories that are included on your building.

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The Midwest Steel Difference

When you choose Midwest Steel Carports, Inc. you choose high-quality and an exceptional customer experience. To best serve our customers, we never sacrifice value; therefore, our pricing is not the lowest. However, we guarantee an overall industry-leading product and service that will continuously exceed your expectations.  Continue for value.

a-frame horizontal roof


A-Frame Horizontal Roof

A-Frame Horizontal roofs give your structure a residential look. The sheet panels run from side to side and does not have purlins or ridge cap. The increase in price to upgrade to A-Frame Horizontal is the additional welding needed on your trusses (bows). An excellent option to keep your residential look for residential areas for a minimum upgrade costs.


A-Frame Vertical Roof

Known as the best choice for areas that experience extreme weather conditions, the vertical roof style is hands down the best choice for Michigan weather. The roof panels run from the pitch to the eaves causing heavy snows, rain, and natural elements to slide off the roof easily. In order to tie down the panels to the structure, we must add purlins or hat channels lengthwise making the structure more rigid. The finished look with special trim all around the roof and ridge cap makes this roof style the best option.

a-frame vertical roof